Adonia Verlag: Age Matters: Cultural Representations and the Politics of AgeingKönigshausen Neumann

Age Matters: Cultural Representations and the Politics of Ageing

Journal for the Study of British Cultures, Vol. 27, No. 1/2020, Journal for the
Königshausen Neumann
ISBN 9783826072468
114 Seiten, Taschenbuch/Paperback
CHF 37.35
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R. Troschitz: Why Age Matters (and Should Be of Concern to Cultural Studies) - M. Gürtner: Towards a Room of Her Own. Dialogue Spaces and the Ageing Woman in Late Victorian and Edwardian Times - Ö. Sarica: Youre getting too bloody old for this. Female Detectives and Representations of Ageing in British Crime Drama - J. Dolan: Ageing Stardom. The Economy of Celebrity and the Gendering of the Third Age Imaginary - S. Strauß: Visualising Memory Loss. Contemporary Portraiture and the Politics of Representation - C. Gilleard: Pain, Suffering and Abjection in the Fourth Age - Reviews - M. Morganroth Gullette: Ending Ageism, or How Not to Shoot Old People - H. Hartung: Embodied Narration. Illness, Death and Dying in Modern Culture - S. Francescato / R. Maierhofer / V. Minghetti / E.-M. Trinkaus: Senior Tourism. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Aging and Traveling - B. Black: Hotel London. How Victorian Commercial Hospitality Shaped a Nation and Its Stories - C. Flotmann-Scholz / A. Lienen: Victorian Ideologies in Contemporary British Cultures - S. Frenzel / B. Neumann: Ecocriticism. Environments in Anglophone Literatures