Adonia Verlag: Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2021Stämpfli Verlag

Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2021

Stämpfli Verlag
ISBN 9783727228742
455 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
Titel fehlt vorübergehend
The Content

The Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2021 is a collection of articles and

essays on current issues and hot topics in commercial and investment arbitration by

leading practitioners and academics. The present 15th edition contains 17 contributions

from altogether 41 authors.

The contributions compiled in the current edition address a variety of topics, featuring

articles dealing with topical issues such as

data protection and international arbitration,

the legal nature of thirdparty funding agreements,

transparency in institutional decision making and

ethics in arbitration.

Other articles focus on the conduct of proceedings, such as advice on how to avoid

disappointing the parties and the arbitrator's competency to moderate contractual


Procedural issues addressed are, inter alia, "gateway matters" under the U.S. FAA,

statutory limitation of the enforcement of international awards and the decision of

jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal under English law.

The chapter "Investment Arbitration" deals with investment protection in the annexed

Crimea and stabilization clauses.

The Editors

Christian Klausegger, Peter Klein, Florian Kremslehner, Alexander Petsche, Nikolaus

Pitkowitz, Irene Welser, Gerold Zeiler

The Authors

Alexey Anischenko, Jonathan Barnett, Markus Beham, Andrea Carlevaris, Gernot Fritz,

Ulrike Gantenberg, Thomas Herbst, Matthias Hofer, Werner Jahnel, Christian Klausegger,

Peter Klein, Ulrich Kopetzki, Richard Kreindler, Florian Kremslehner, Gaudenz Küenburg,

Niamh Leinwather, Veronika Macha, Samuel Mimnagh, Andrijana Misovic, Maximilian

Albert Müller, Ihor Muryn, Ilya Nikiforov, Paul Nimmerfall, Matthias Pendl, Alexander

Petsche, Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Désirée Prantl, Hendrik Puschmann, Anna Katharina

Radschek, Evgeny Raschevsky, Elisabeth Rath, Markus Schifferl, Alfred Siwy, Ana Stanic,

Clemens Treichl, Irene Welser, Bernhard Wychera, Gerold Zeiler, Ilona Zekely, Alexander

Zojer, Roman Zykov.