Adonia Verlag: Environmental ContaminantsSpringer

Environmental Contaminants

Using natural archives to track sources and long-term trends of pollution, Devel
ISBN 9789401795401
CHF 60.20
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InhaltsangabeUsing Natural Archives to Track Sources and Long-Term Trends of Pollution: An Introduction. Jules M. Blais, Michael R. Rosen, John P. SmolThe Influence of Hydrology on Lacustrine Sediment Contaminant Records. Michael R. Rosen The Stability of Metal Profiles in Freshwater and Marine Sediments. P. M. Outridge and F. WangCalculating Rates and Dates and Interpreting Contaminant Profiles in Biomixed Sediments. Zou Zou A. Kuzyk, Robie W. Macdonald, Sophia C. JohannessenContaminants in Marine Sedimentary Deposits from Coal Fly Ash During the Latest Permian Extinction. Hamed Sanei, Stephen E. Grasb, and Benoit BeauchampLake Sediment Records of Preindustrial Metal Pollution. Colin A. Cooke and Richard BindlerLacustrine Archives of Metals from Mining and Other Industrial Activities-A Geochemical Approach. John Boyle, Richard Chiverrell and Dan Schillereff Organic Pollutants in Sediment Core Archives. Jennifer B. Korosi, Wenhan Cheng and Jules M. BlaisEnvironmental Archives of Contaminant Particles. Neil L. Rose and Meri RuppelTracking Long-range Atmospheric Transport of Contaminants in Arctic Regions Using Lake Sediments. Jane Kirk and Amber GleasonTracking Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Trace Metals, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Organohalogen Compounds Using Lake Sediments of Mountain Regions. Jordi CatalanUsing Peat Records as Natural Archives of Past Atmospheric Metal Deposition. Sophia V. Hansson, Richard Bindler and François De Vleeschouwer Historical Contaminant Records from Sclerochronological Archives. Jessica Carilli, Branwen Williams, Bernd R. Schöne, Richard A. Krause and Stewart J. FallonContaminant Records in Ice Cores. Paolo Gabrielli and Paul VallelongaUse of Catalogued Long-term Biological Collections and Samples for Determining Changes in Contaminant Exposure to Organisms. Linda M. Campbell and Paul Drevnick Tracking Contaminant Transport From Biovectors. Roland Kallenborn and Jules M. BlaisUsing Natural Archives to Track Sources and Long-Term Trends of Pollution: Some Final Thoughts and Suggestions for Future Directions. Jules M. Blais, Michael R. Rosen, and John P. Smol