Adonia Verlag: Expert.NET Programming - Robinson, Simon - Apress

Expert.NET Programming

ISBN 9781590592229
CHF 67.50
Wird für Sie besorgt
Inhaltsangabe1 Introducing Intermediate Language.- 2 Intermediate Language: Digging Deeper.- 3 Going Inside the CLR.- 4 Understanding Assemblies.- 5 Understanding Garbage Collection.- 6 Improving Performance.- 7 Profiling Your Applications and Using Performance Counters.- 8 Generating Code Dynamically.- 9 Understanding Threading.- 10 Understanding Management Instrumentation.- 11 Building Advanced Windows Forms Applications.- 12 Introducing Code Access Security.- 13 Understanding Cryptography.- Appendix IL Reference.- IL Types.- Notes.- IL Instruction Set.- Evaluation Stack Operations.- Data Transfer Instructions.- Branch Instructions.- Object Instructions.- Operations Specific to Value Types.- Boxing Instructions.- Array Instructions.- Instructions to Invoke and Leave Methods.- Exception Handling Instructions.- Memory Instructions.- Dynamically Typed Referencing.- Instructions to Support Debugging.- Instructions to Support Reflection.- Instruction Prefixes.- tail.- unaligned.- volatile.- IL Assembly Directives and Keywords.- Assembly and Module Structure.- Assembly Options.- Type Definitions.- Members of Types.- Accessibility Keywords.- Exception Handling.