Adonia Verlag: Health Among the Elderly in Germany - Doblhammer, Gabriele - Barbara Budrich

Health Among the Elderly in Germany

New Evidence on Disease, Disability and Care Need, Beiträge zur Bevölkerungswiss
Barbara Budrich
ISBN 9783847406068
214 Seiten, Gebunden/Hardcover
CHF 39.60
Wird für Sie besorgt
Whether increasing life expectancy leads to better health remains still controversial. Three topics are explored: (1) vanguard groups which inform about possible levels of health if the general social and environmental conditions were to approach those of the vanguard group; (2) the social and behavioral determinants of health differentiated into proximal and distal factors; (3) vulnerable groups such as migrants and the health differences between migrant groups. Newly available population-based data as well as new study designs and advanced stati¬stical modelling form the basis for the empirical analyses.