Adonia Verlag: Nonmonotonic and Inductive LogicSpringer

Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logic

Second International Workshop, Reinhardsbrunn Castle, Germany, December 2-6,1991
ISBN 9783540564331
CHF 60.20
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InhaltsangabeA tutorial on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.- On the sample complexity of various learning strategies in the probabilistic PAC learning paradigms.- More about learning elementary formal systems.- A polynomial time algorithm for finding finite unions of tree pattern languages.- Towards efficient inductive synthesis: Rapid construction of local regularities.- Deductive generalization in a default logic setting.- Deduction with supernormal defaults.- Multi-agent learning: Theoretical and empirical studies.- Predicate synthesis from formal specifications: Using mathematical induction for finding the preconditions of theorems.- Dual types of hypotheses in inductive inference.- All I know about Tweety.- Monotonic versus non-monotonic language learning.- Normal form results for default logic.- Retrieval in case-based reasoning using preferred subtheories.- Interactive synthesis of process flowcharts.- Probabilistic inference of approximations.