Adonia Verlag: SALICYLIC ACIDSpringer


Plant Growth and Development
ISBN 9789400764279
CHF 171.90
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About the editors

1. Salicylic acid: An update on biosynthesis and action in plant response to water deficit and performance under drought; Hanna Bandurska

2. Salicylic acid: Physiological roles in plants; Mohammad Yusuf, Shamsul Hayat, Mohammed Nasser Alyemeni, Qazi Fariduddin and Aqil Ahmad

3. Salicylic acid and phospholipid signaling; Beatriz A.Rodas-Junco, J. Armando munoz-Sanchez and S.M. Teresa Hernandez-Sotomayor

4. Transport of salicylic acid and related compounds; J.-L. Bonnemain, J.-F. Chollet and F. Rocher

5. Interplay between environmental signals and endogenous salicylic acid concentration; L.V. Kurepin, K.P. Dahal, M. Zaman and R.P. Pharis

6. Impact of salicylic acid on the transport and distribution of sugars in plants; M.S. Krasavina and N.A. Burmistrova

7. Endogenous ABA as a hormonal intermediate in the salicylic acid induced protection of wheat plants against toxic ions; F.M. shakirova, M.V. Bezrukova and D.R. Maslennikova

8. Salicylic acid biosynthesis and role in modulating terpenoid and flavonoid metabolism in plant responses to abiotic stress; T.Tounekti, I. Hernandez and S. Munne-Bosch

9. Salicylic acid-mediated stress-induced flowering; K.C. Wada and K. Takeno

10. Salicylic acid-mediated abiotic stress tolerance; M. Pal, G. Szalai, V. Kovacs, O.K. Gondor  and T. Janda

11. Signaling role of salicylic acid in abiotic stress responses in plants; Tomonori Kawano, Takuya Hiramatsu  and François Bouteau

12. The interplay between salicylic and jasmonic acid during phytopathogenesis; Sorokan Antonina V., Burkhanova Guzel F. and Maksimov Igor V.

13. Potential benefits of salicylic acid in food production; R Martin-Mex, A. Nexticapan-Garcez and A. Larque-saavedra

14. Short and long term effects of salicylic acido n protection to phytoplasma associated stress in potato plants; H.A. Lopez-Delgado, M.E. Mora-Herrera, R. Martinez-Gutierrez and S. Sanchez -Rojo

15. Efficiency of salicylic acid application on postharvest perishable crops; S. Supapvanich and S. Promyou

16. Recent advances and future prospects on practical use of salicylic acid; L.P. Popova