Adonia Verlag: The Art of Vinyl Covers 2024 - Jonkmanns, Bernd - Seltmann Publishers

The Art of Vinyl Covers 2024

Every day a great and unique cover
Seltmann Publishers
ISBN 9783949070365
370 Seiten, Buch
Vergriffen, keine Neuauflage/Nachdruck
Vinyl records and record stores are currently experiencing revival, and with it the artfully designed covers of the artfully designed covers of the past decades are back in our consciousness and present. The covers are an inspiring reminder of real music and design history.

Now, for the seventh time, the world's first the world's first tear-off calendar with 365 vinyl covers of well-known and unknown musicians of all genres. In addition to daily music inspiration and graphic eye candy, you will also find graphic feast for the eyes, you will also find the names of the respective cover photographers, illustrators and art directors on each page. A must-have for all record lovers and graphic design nerds!

And the blast: with the printed SPOTIFY Codes, you can "listen" to any album anywhere and immediately.