Adonia Verlag: The Complete (but unofficial) Guide to the Willem C. Vis International Commercia - Altenkirch, Markus - Beck Rsw

The Complete (but unofficial) Guide to the Willem C. Vis International Commercia

Beck Rsw
ISBN 9783406812194
CHF 43.85
Wird für Sie besorgt
The Book

Eleven teams of student participants attended the first Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot in 1993/1994. Thirty years later, 378 teams from 89 jurisdictions gathered to participate in what is now considered one of the largest international arbitration events in the world. The cases dealt with are based on an international sales transaction governed by CISG, including procedural issues of arbitration.

The Advantages at a Glance - tailor-made for participants of the Moot Court

provides practical knowledge

clearly written

The New Edition

In particular, a chapter on “What Makes Mooties Come Back as Arbitrators" is new.

The Target Group

This work is aimed primarily towards the participants (students and coaches) of the annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.