Adonia Verlag: The Moon's Near Side Megabasin and Far Side Bulge - Byrne, Charles - Springer

The Moon's Near Side Megabasin and Far Side Bulge

SpringerBriefs in Astronomy
ISBN 9781461469483
CHF 60.20
Wird für Sie besorgt
Since Luna and Lunar Orbiter photographed the far side of the Moon, the mysterious dichotomy between the face of the Moon as we see it from Earth and the side of the Moon that is hidden has puzzled lunar scientists. As we learned more from the Apollo sample return missions and later robotic satellites, the puzzle literally deepened, showing asymmetry of the crust and mantle, all the way to the core of the Moon. This book summarizes the author's successful search for an ancient impact feature, the Near Side Megabasin of the Moon and the extensions to impact theory needed to find it. The implications of this ancient event are developed to answer many of the questions about the history of the Moon.