Adonia Verlag: Wildlife Conservation by Sustainable UseSpringer

Wildlife Conservation by Sustainable Use

Conservation Biology 12
ISBN 9789401057738
CHF 229.50
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InhaltsangabePreface; R.E. Leakey. Introduction: The Value of Priceless Wildlife; H.H.T. Prins, J.G. Grootenhuis. 2. The Machakos Wildlife Forum: The Story from a woman on the land; J. Stanley. 3. Ranching: an economic yardstick; B. Heath. 4. The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya: A Case Study; P. Szapary. 5. Competition Between Wildlife and Livestock in Africa; H.H.T. Prins. 6. Wildlife, Livestock and Animal Disease Reservoirs; J.G. Grootenhuis. 7. Wildlife Damage in Rural Areas with Emphasis on Malawi; F. Deodatus. 8. Functional Relationships Between Parks and Agricultural Areas in East Africa: The Case of Nairobi National Park; H. Gichohi. 9. Functional Relationships Between Protected and Agricultural Areas in South Africa and Nambia; R.C. Bigalke. 10. Wildlife and Livestock Population Trends in the Kenya Rangeland; W.K. Ottichilo, et al. 11. The Effects of a Century of Policy and Legal Change on Wildlife Conservation and Utilisation in Tanzania; N. Leader-Williams. 12. `Ownership' of Wildlife; G. Child, L. Chitsike. 13. Wildlife Land Use and the Great Experiment; D. Hopcraft. 14. Financial Feasiblity of Game Cropping in Machakos District, Kenya; D. Bos, et al. 15. Hunting and its benefits: An overview of hunting in Africa with special reference to Tanzania; R. Hurt, P. Ravn. 16. The Economics of Wildlife Tourism: Theory and Reality for Landholders in Africa; A. Earnshaw, L. Emerton. 17. Making Wildlife Pay: Converting wildlife's comparative advantage into real incentives for having wildlife in African savannas, case studies from Zimbabwe and Zambia; B. Child. 18. Traditional African Wildlife Utilization: Subsistence Hunting, Poaching, and Sustainable Use; R.K. Hitchcock. 19. Compelling Reasons for Game Ranching in Maputaland; J. Hearne, M. McKenzie. 20. Madikwe Game Reserve: A partnership in conservation; R. Davies. 21. Application of the southern African experience to wildlife utilization and conservation in Kenya and Tanzania; B. Child. 22. Wildlife Utilization: A Justified Option for Sustainable Land Use in African Savannas; J.G. Grootenhuis, H.H.T. Prins.